Similar words: at other times, time after time, times, betimes, at times, ofttimes, time slot, many times. Meaning: adv. by a factor of four.
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151 Assuming a loan-to-value ratio of 70%, the initial payment for a 675-square-foot flat would be around four times median household income.
152 Instead of sleeping through the night, volunteers now were awakened four times in REM sleep.
153 Alongside reserve hikes, China has also raised the benchmark interest rates four times since last October to battle persistent inflation.
154 It was the town with the highest rate of deaths from falling objects, with four times as many as San Diego, and had no lottery or sweepstake winners.
155 Status Offline He said his company, the Sea Job Placement Center, now places about 80 people a month, four times the number a year ago.
156 She does gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest for achieving the perfect figure.
157 But authorities say after her 53-year-old neighbor refused, the central Florida woman aimed a semi-automatic pistol at his house and fired four times.
158 In the event, it may have yielded 57 megatons – which would have made it just under four times as destructive as the Tunguska meteorite.
159 The backward wave output amplified about four times was experimentally obtained.
160 Though burned down four times since it was first erected in 826 by the master builder Kobodaishi, the current building has stood its ground since 1644.
161 Fayed was solicitous, seeing him three or four times a week.
162 He worked with the gelding four times over a three-week period.
163 It'll take us four times as long to transit the hot zone.
164 It creates four times more jobs per kilowatt hour generated than fossil fuel such as coal.
165 But authorities say after her 53-year-old neighbor refused, Ray-Ban Sunglasses, the central Florida woman aimed a semi-automatic pistol at his house and fired four times.
166 It is safe to say that almost every hour you will pass a native Nepalese carrying four times the size of your pack with one-eighth the difficulty.
167 Of course, their prices were exorbitant - three to four times the regular price - or even more!
168 As an important branch of political power in the stage of Pakistan, the Populist Party of Pakistan came into power four times, lasting for 12 years.
169 This line is four times as long as that one.
170 Ivan Lendl finished No.1 four times and won 94 events during his 17 - yea career.
171 A The production of various stereo recorders has been increased four times as against 1977.
172 He attended the Naval Academy (also John McCain's alma mater), was decorated four times and wounded twice in Vietnam[], and served as Ronald Reagan's secretary of the navy.
173 The actual word "Antichrist" appears only four times in the New Testament – in the First and Second Epistle of John.
174 The hooker is amazed as this sequence is repeated four times.
175 Carm was named UPI New England Coach of the Year four times and Eastern Coach of the Year.
176 According to the Shayang brine well No. 3 repairing in four times, this paper introduces the all process of the well repairing.
177 Cave crickets have antennae four times as long as their
178 It digests and assimilate foreign advanced technology , a kind of dehydration equipment developed to press the roller mud hydroextractor four times.
179 IFAW BRRC Staff feed the babies four times a day with a hand puppet shaped like a bird's head.This is important to prevent the baby birds from imprinting on humans.
180 A bloodstain is orange after you wash it three or four times.
More similar words: at other times, time after time, times, betimes, at times, ofttimes, time slot, many times, sometimes, hard times, at all times, maritimes, timescale, time series, time-saving, oftentimes, three times, timesaving, times square, airtime, wartime, time schedule, time sequence, modern times, overtime, over time, several times, aftertime, behind the times, summertime.